Engaging education and quality care for children aged 2 to 6 years

Enrolment and Fees
Waiting Lists
We accept waiting list registrations throughout the year. To make the enrolment process as easy as possible, you can join our waiting list in person or online by clicking on the Waiting List Form button below.
Once you submit the form, you can expect a response from us within two working days. Alternatively, you can call us on (02) 4658 0706. We will contact you with an Offer of Enrolment when a vacancy becomes available, and arrange a time for you to visit the Centre. Our Centre Director, Dee, will then run through all the documentation with you. You can also lodge a waiting list application prior to your child’s birth if you wish and no fees apply.
If you have been accepted for a position at Blinky Bill … Welcome! We now need you to complete and submit the Enrolment Form by clicking below.
All fees are to be paid weekly or fortnightly directly into our account by direct debit. We will then send you a weekly emailed or printed statement. A review of our fees is undertaken annually with an increase occurring every year in August unless advised otherwise.
Priority of Access
Every Child Care Benefit (CCB) approved education and care service follows the Australian Government’s Priority of Access Guidelines, which are designed to assist with the allocation of places. This applies when parents are applying for a limited number of vacant positions, there is a waiting list, or if there are no positions available but a Priority 1 or 2 child requires childcare.
A Priority 1 child is one who is at risk of serious abuse or neglect, and a Priority 2 child is a child of a single parent or parents who satisfy the study/work/training test under Section 14 of the ‘A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999’. However, these are only actioned if absolutely necessary.
Please contact our Centre Director, Dee, if you have any queries.