Engaging education and quality care for children aged 2 to 6 years

Our Procedures

At Blinky Bill Preschool, we are here to offer as much support and information as we can, so please don’t hesitate to contact us or speak to our Centre Director, Dee.

Health and Safety

An incident/accident trauma form will be completely by a staff member if an incident occurs, and your child’s Emergency Contact or Authorised Person contacted. In emergency situations, an ambulance will be called. 

If your child has recently suffered from a contractible or contagious illness, a specific exclusion period may apply. An authorised medical clearance may also need to be provided before your child returns to care. If your child starts showing symptoms of an illness while in our care, we will contact the Emergency Contact or Authorised Person, and in some cases your child will need to be collected.

If your child unexpectedly develops a high temperature (38 degrees or higher), we will contact the Emergency Contact or Authorised Person to arrange for them to be collected as soon as possible. If permission for the administration of paracetamol has been given on the Enrolment Application form and it is confirmed verbally, we can administer a single dose. If your child cannot be collected quickly, an ambulance may be called.

If your child suffers from any allergies or asthma, an Action Plan will be completed in consultation with you and your child’s doctor. Any associated medications will require a Medication Form to be completed.


Any medication your child requires must be stated on the enrolment form, which is to be signed by an Authorised Person. Medications must be clearly marked with the name of the medication, your child’s name and the dosage clearly state on the pharmacist’s label.

Upon arrival at our Centre, any medications should be given directly to a team member so it can be stored in a secure location. We do not administer any non-prescribed medications other than paracetamol if children have a high temperature.


Their First Day

We recommend you and your child visit us at the Centre before they start so that you both feel comfortable and confident with our routines and environment. When you arrive for your child’s first day, you will be greeted by one of our team. They will show you to your child’s room and get them settled in. Please allow some extra time on the first day to sign in and put your child’s belongings away.

When it’s time to go, let your child know that you are leaving and when you will be back. We will give you a call during the day to let you know how everything is going, but you can also feel free to call us at any time.


We take the security and safety of your child very seriously. Therefore, the Emergency Contact or Authorised person will be asked to present photo ID when collecting a child for the first time. They will also need to sign in and out at all times after that — this is done electronically via a mobile phone and a pin number.

If you arrive after our closing time to collect your child, you will be required to pay $5 per minute per child. This fee is not supported by the Child Care Subsidy.

We encourage you to dress your child in clothing that will make it easy for us to assist with toilet training. We also encourage clothing that will allow them to explore their environment (ie. get dirty and messy!)

What to Bring

  • Spare, weather-appropriate clothes in case of a mishap, toilet training or water play.
  • A jumper or warm coat for the colder months.
  • A wide-brimmed sun hat and drink bottle.
  • A small bag labelled with their name to keep their belongings in.
  • Any creams or medications that that are relevant — these will need to be listed on the enrolment form.