Engaging education and quality care for children aged 2 to 6 years

The following are some practical online resources for families and educators that we highly recommend.
This Australian Government website lists all long day care services in Australia.
ACECQA is a national entity that oversees important changes to early childhood and school age education and care across Australia.
The NSW Department of Education is responsible for the delivery and co-ordination of education, including early childhood education across the state.
This website contains information on payment and support services that are available to families, including the Child Care Subsidy.
This website aims to increase national immunisation rates by providing more information about immunisation for children in Australia.
ECA is the peak early childhood advocacy organisation, which acts in the interests of young children, their families and those in the early childhood sector.
This is a great website offering advice and resources for parents of children from birth to teenage years.
Need some advice or want to see what other parents are talking about? This is an online series of forums all about children and parenting. It’s free to join and is packed with practical advice for parents.
This is a website dedicated to parenting advice, providing games, activities and recipe ideas, and information on child-friendly events across Australia. A great resource for school holiday fun ideas!
This website is full of activity ideas and heaps of downloadable resources that are both fun and educational to help keep your children entertained.